Keep your feet clean – wash daily with water and mild fungicidal soap.
Avoid strong antiseptics such as iodine, carbolic acid, Lysol, bleach, etc.
Wear shoes made of soft material that fit properly and comfortably.
Do not cut corns or callouses, or use corn remedies or pads.
Do not use hot water bottles, electric pads or excessive heat in any form, at the feet.
Apply lanolin or olive oil to dry skin. Dry your skin carefully. Do not rub hard with a towel.
Avoid bruises, burns, cuts, cracks and (in cold climates) frostbite. If any of these injuries occur, seek professional advice immediately.
Avoid exposure to cold and dampness.
If any ulcer or sore appears on the foot or leg, seek professional advice immediately.
The Practitioner
Rosalie Q. Tio
Member of the Institute of Chiropodist and Podiatrists
International College of Biomechanics, Australia
HCPC Registered (UK)
BHlthSc & MPod Prac (LaTrobe, AU)
Dip. Chiropody (Scholl, UK)